Thursday 11 April 2013


Cherry blossoms in Japan
Several working trips in Japan had led me to some very interesting views that I could definitely say are uniquely Japanese. I am just too impressed of what I had experienced that I think it is definitely worth writing about.  Read on.

Perhaps you have seen and read about it, too. Truly remarkable of what the world had seen from the Japanese is perhaps from the major earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan two years ago.  The Japanese showed CALMNESS and discipline in the midst of chaos and destruction. When the train broke down because of the strong earthquake that hit the city, people just calmly and with discipline walked out of the station. No shouting, no crying....they just simply walked out and moved on.

The Japanese calmly lining up and waiting for their turn to board the train
You can see how the Japanese are VERY DISCIPLINED even in the way they wait for their turn to board the train.  They will just queue up quietly, no pushing, no growling. Very admirable. 
Sapporo Clock Tower
When you visit Japan, one thing you will definitely notice is that clocks abound, on buildings, on the street, in the station and almost really everywhere (I mean really, really ). The Japanese has a strong sense of VALUE FOR TIME. If they say they will come at 1145, you can be sure that they are there by 1140.  I had been taking the train to and fro during my visits and I can tell you that trains never ever arrive late. And if the train happens to be late, there are  very strong reasons why it is late. Riding the train in Japan is like boarding an aircraft. However, in this instance, make sure you are at the right time and on the right spot. 
Capsule hotel in Japan
Hotel room in Japan
You may or may not have been to Japan but as you would perhaps know, Japan as a country is very expensive. Their cost of living is very high. So even when it comes to staying in a hotel, spaces are very confined.  You can still breathe, of course, but EVERYTHING IS WITHIN REACH.  Meaning from your bed, you can easily grab anything from the table or the refrigerator because the space is very small. Above is a photo of the hotel where I stayed during my recent trip in Japan. This is a decent hotel but as you can see, compared perhaps to some of the hotels you stayed in South East Asia, this place would be very small. 

There is no doubt that Japan has always been known for INNOVATION, TECHNOLOGY, and CRAFTSMANSHIP.  Japan is globally known for its automotive (think Toyota or Honda being a household name for cars) and electronics (remember the first robot invented?). 

And one thing that really fascinated me was (you probably wouldn't believe it) the bathroom toilet.  In my first trip to Japan I noticed that most of the toilet bowls are actually automated! Imagine this, you go inside the toilet and the cover of the toilet bowl would automatically open and rise, you sit down and do your thing and suddenly water automatically pours. Do you want automatic washing? You can choose between spray or bidet in one click of a button.  Simple as that. Totally germ-free.  The toilet bowl is even heated, supposedly to ward off germs.  Unbelievably true!

Who would have forgotten ANIME and MANGA? Those Japanese animation characterised by colourful graphics,  various fantastic themes and energetic, peppy characters. 
The world has fallen over. 

Last, but certainly not the least, I was fortunate enough to witness the first bloom of spring during my recent visit. And this meant CHERRY BLOSSOMS in full bloom! I was enthralled by the beauty that I saw. Pinkish colourful trees along the sides of train stations or lining up by the river. People just stop and get captivated by the flowers' pure white color or tinged with the palest pink. They usually bloom and fall within a week before the leaves come out.  For the Japanese, Cherry blooms or SAKURA is an enduring metaphor for the transitory nature of life.  For every darkest hour, there comes new hope. 

There is much more to see and learn from Japan and its people ---- and sometimes you just get too lucky being able to. 

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